Do you ever feel like life is happening to you?
You wake up and sometimes think what happened to myself?
Where is the old me?
In the last 2 years I have experienced or struggled with:
vid twice and its after effects

Hormone imbalances
Chronic fatigue
Debilitating anxiety
Mood swings
Insomnia & night time heart palpitations
Adrenal Fatigue
Diagnosed with IBS, EBV, Hypothyroid and extreme leaky gut.
Autoimmune rash that spreads with the onset of stress.
Panic attacks.
Unexplained bloat.
I have shared some through social media but for the most part, I've struggled in silence because no one can help. I'm the "strong" one, the one that holds it together and does what's needed to power through. Probably from all the years as a struggling single mom. The saying "you have no idea how strong you are until you have no other choice" rings true in this season of my life.
Life has definitely thrown our family its share of hard times, emotional and mentally exhausting struggles but we continue to push through. And when it is all said and done, we will come out stronger.
Not because we have this but because GOD's got us.
My body, brain and nervous system has taken a beating.
A gut health nutrition program with an optional workout program.
I need this. SO many other women need this.
Did you know your gut is your second brain?
There is a nervous system in our gut that communicates with the brain in our head. Together our "2 brains" play a huge role in certain diseases in our bodies, how we feel and our overall health & wellness.
Your gut's main role is controlling digestion, from swallowing to the release of enzymes that break down food to the control of blood flow that helps with nutrient absorption to elimination.
A healthy gut means you have a good balance of bacteria, or microbes, in your gastrointestinal tract.
These microbes help the body:
+ Get energy from the food you eat
+ Get rid of toxins
+ Fight harmful viruses and bacteria
+ Produce the mood-boosting brain chemical serotonin
When your body doesn’t have enough good bacteria, bad bacteria can thrive.
The signs of a gut bacteria imbalance:
- Autoimmune problems like thyroid issues, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes.
- Digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn or bloating
- Sleep issues
- Skin rashes and allergies
- Sugar cravings
- Unexplained fatigue or sluggishness
- Unexplained mood disorders like depression or anxiety
- Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
It's absolutely the most fascinating connection and honestly, a HUGE eye-opener. Over 70% of adults have gut issues, many not knowing the signs and symptoms.
For me personally, I went years eating all the "right" healthy foods like salmon, kale, cucumber - not knowing that my body is highly reactive to those things causing bloat, IBS, constipation & inflammation - just to name a few. I have every symptom listed above and then some and I have been struggling for way too long.
And THAT is why I am so freaking excited about our new nutrition program: 4 WEEK GUT PROTOCOL launching in March!
You will be a scientist and advocate for YOUR OWN BODY - discovering foods and patterns that might be causing digestive sensitivities. The program can help you discover foods that are impacting your digestive health and give you the tools to help overcome discomfort & issues ** SPECIFIC TO YOU **
And because studies show gentle exercise can help positively impact your gut health, there is a 4 Weeks for Every Body no impact workout program you can choose to do (or not to) to enhance the benefits of The 4 Week Gut Protocol nutrition plan.
If you can relate to anything shared here, definitely join my FREE Mindful Eating Workshop starting next week where you will learn more about nutrition - no diets - as well as the inside scoop and details on the program that is going to help so many women advocate for their own wellness and healing through their gut health!
Join here:
This is not about weight loss.
This has nothing to do with my physical appearance.
And everything to do with my overall wellness and well-being.
I am reminding myself this is just a season.
I am absolutely growing through all we are going through right now.
This is where I draw the line in the sand.
This is my fight.
My fight back to me.
#EOTD: The one who struggles hasn't quit.
"Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from its ashes."